Outlook App

Apple iOS iPhone / iPad
Apple macOS Macbook / iMac
For iPhone, iPad & Android Device
Microsoft 365 Outlook
Microsoft Outlook POP / IMAP
Windows Mail


*Before setting up your mail client program, please login to your “Direct Admin”: https://hkright.hk:2222 ; https://hkright.com.hk:2222 ; https://login.hkright.com.hk:2222 OR https://yourdomain.com:2222 create new e-mail name and setup password: e.g. name@yourdomain.com

Microsoft Outlook App (IMAP) Email Settings

The following settings are also applies to different versions of iPhone, iPad & Android devices and models.

Now, please download and install the free Microsoft Outlook App from the App Store (Apple) / Google Play (Android), and following the Step By Step boxes.

Click (MAYBE LATER) to complete

* Now please return to your device, open the Microsoft Outlook App to test your new email account *


Advanced Port Settings
Mail client setting type
Default Port
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
Other Port
Transport Layer Security (TLS)
995 SSL
110 TLS or No encryption
465 SSL
25 , 587 TLS or No encryption
993 SSL
143 TLS or No encryption

